Overview: Low vision disorders are quite common in India. Latest estimates suggest that nearly 4.5 crore Indian adults and children suffer from some symptom of low vision eye disease. Low vision disorders can happen at any age and can affect both Children and adults. Most low vision conditions present as a result of defective eye conditions and the occurrence of different eye diseases. Low vision, however, is not the same as blindness.
What is it? A person is considered to have Low vision when ‘correct vision’ or normal eyesight cannot be fully restored by using glasses/contact lenses, medication or even undergoing laser treatment or surgery. When your vision is 20/70 or worse, you are categorised as a low-vision eye patient. Thankfully though, special ophthalmic aids, adaptation techniques & rehabilitation procedures can enhance the ability of an eye patient to compensate for their weak vision conditions. There is a misconception that children cannot use low vision devices; they very well can.
We at Kids eye Consult treat all categories of patients diagnosed with Low vision by working out a personalised rehabilitation plan and prescribing various optical and visual aids.
Types of low vision:
- Loss of Central vision: The front detail vision is affected; that helps us look at things directly
- Loss of Peripheral vision: Problems in looking sideways (less detailed vision)
- Errors in Contrast sensitivity: Decrease in Contrast and reduced ability to distinguish between objects of similar tones: for instance, Milk in a white Mug
- Reduction in Depth perception: Problems in judging the position, distance and depth of objects, for example, the height of a Step in a ladder
- Visual processing. Disconnect in image relaying and interpretation; from image formation, through to the optic nerve and brain processing.
- Symptoms:
- Low vision patients could experience the following symptoms
- Hazy, Blurred or Double vision
- Difficulty in routine life activities like Reading, Writing, Driving, playing, cooking, shopping etc
- Hard to recognise known faces and objects
- Night blindness
- White patches in the pupil of the eye
- A problem in Watching TV, working on a computer or operating a mobile phone.
Possible Causes of Low Vision:
- Age-related Macular Degeneration
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Diabetic Retinopathy Trauma
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Albinism
- Eye cancer
- Brain injury
Diagnosis :
If you present any or more such symptoms, you would need a full examination of your eyes from our ophthalmologist at Kids eye Consult. Our eye specialists will check your all vision parameters to determine visual acuity, depth perception, and visual field.
In low vision patients, the specific line of treatment differs from patient to patient based on the causes, case presentations and correct diagnosis. Except for a few particular reasons ( eye diseases) that are treatable and may help in vision restoration, Low vision is a permanent occurrence.
At Kids eye Consult, we prescribe an array of visual aids, management therapies, vision rehabilitation techniques to enable a patient to live a relatively normal life. We provide visual aids like Lenses that filter light, various magnifying glasses, telescopic glasses and reading prisms to treat low vision patients who visit us.
Certain Non-optical aids designed primarily for low vision cases are also quite helpful. High Contrast electronic gadgetry, specialised computer software, interactive devices and large size print matter also help specific patients. Both Optical and visual aids help improve the quality of life for such eye patients.
We have in-house rehabilitation counsellors and services of optometrists, visual experts, who help such people with visual management.
To know, how best Kids eye Consult can help your patient, please get in touch with our Low Vision and Visual Rehabilitation Service by calling 98962-59777 or Visit our website www.kidseyeconsult.com